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Wan Zhiqiang

Dr. Zhiqiang Wan


Address: C1122 New Main Building

Phone: 010-82317510, 010-82316034

Email: wzq@buaa.edu.cn

Dr. Zhiqiang Wan is an professor of aircraft design and a senior member of the BeihangAeroelasticity Lab in School of Aeronautic Science & Engineering, Beihang University.He is an Associate Fellow of the AIAA and a member of AIAA's Adaptive Structures Technical Committee. Prof. Wan has strong academic background and practical experience in the field of aircraft design. He received his Ph. D degree of aircraft design at Beihang University in 2003. Since then, Prof. Wan have been working as a faculty in Beihang University for 11 years. He has over 50 archival journal papers, conference papers, and technical reports, in the areas of aeroelasticity, and structures optimization. Prof. Wan has extensive experience and interests in aeroelasticity, structure optimization and UAV research.

Specializations & Research Interests:

· Aeroelastic Tailoring of Composite Wing

· Aeroelastic Analysis of Aircraft

· Multidisciplinary Integrated Optimization

· Aerothermoelastic Analysis of Hypersonic Vehicles

· Structural Dynamics

· UAV Design


Ph.D. Aircraft Design, Beihang University, 2003.

M.S. Aircraft Design, Beihang University, 2000.

B.S. Aircraft Design, Beihang University, 1998.

Current Research:

· Multidisciplinary Integrated Optimization of Composite Aircraft with Aeroelastic Constraints

· Robust Aeroelastic Analysis and Optimization with Structural and Aerodynamic Uncertainties

· Aeroelastic and Aerothermoelastic Analysis of Hypersonic Vehicles

· Static Aeroelastic Analysis and Optimization of Aircraft Using Nonlinear Aerodynamics

Teaching Interests:

· Theory and Method for Aerodynamic Design of Airplane

· Integrated Experiments in Aerospace Engineering

· Introduction to Aerospace Technology

· Aeroelasticity

· UAV Design

Society Memberships:

· Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Senior Member

· Aerosport Federation of China, Senior Member

· Editorial Committee of Aerospace Knowledge and Aeromodelling in China, Editor

· Competition Committee of Aeromodelling Competition for National College Students, Director

Honors & Awards:

· “Excellent Teacher in Beijing”, Beijing, China, 2010.

· University Education Achievement Award by Beijing Government, 2nd place, 2008, 2012.

· “Excellent Advisor”, The 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Science & Technology Competition for National College Students, China, 2005-2011.

· “Outstanding Advisor”, Aeromodelling Competition for National College Students, China, 2004-2010.

· “Outstanding Teacher in Beihang University”, Beijing, China, 2010.

· “Outstanding Young Teacher in Beihang University”, Beijing, China, 2006.

· “Outstanding Post-doctor in Beihang University”, Beijing, China, 2005.

Positions Held at Beihang University:

· Professor, 2014.8-present

· Associate Professor, 2007.8-2014.7

·Vice Chair, Department of Aircraft Design, Beihang University, 2012.10-2014.12.

· Deputy Director, Aeronautic Creation and Practice Lab, Beihang University, 2004-present.

·Deputy Director, Special Aircraft Lab, Beihang University, 2008-present.

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