高 慧     教授     国家级青年人才







主要从事微纳米功能材料设计、制备及其在纳米能源、生物医学、飞行器防除冰等方面的应用研究,在ACS Nano, Nanoscale, ACS Appli. Mater. Interface, Fuel等高水平国际期刊上发表SCI论文近30篇。主持和参与欧洲EUR、英国EPSRC等重点项目。目前主要研究方向包括:

1. 纳米燃料设计、制备及其催化、燃烧性能研究;

2. 微纳结构材料的超疏水、防冰及除冰应用研究;

3. 多功能纳米颗粒生物医学应用研究。





1.Hui Gao*, Thaaqib Nazar,

Zhongliang Hu, Dongsheng Wen, Gleb B. Sukhorukov*, Protective Composite Silica/Polyelectrolyte Shell With Enhanced Tolerance to Harsh Acid and Alkali Conditions,J.Colloid Interface Sci., 2018,512,198-207.

2. De-Wen Zhang,

Nikolaos Papaioannou, Naomi Michelle David, Hui Luo,Hui Gao, Liviu Cristian Tanase, Thibault Degousée, Paolo Samorì,Andrei Sapelkin, Oliver Fenwick, Maria-Magdalena Titirici*, Steffi Krause*,Photoelectrochemical Response of Carbon Dots(CDs) Derived from Chitosan and Their Use inElectrochemical Imaging.Mater. Horiz., 2018, 5, 423-428.

3. Qian Sun,Hui Gao (Co-first), Gleb B. Sukhorukov*, Alexander F. Routh, Silver-coated Colloidosomes as Carriers for an Anticancer Drug,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 32599-32606.

4. Qian Sun, Yao Du, Ziyan Zhao, Elizabeth A. H.Hall,HuiGao, Gleb B. Sukhorukov,Alexander F. Routh*,Functional Silver Coated Colloidosomes as Targeted Carriers for Small Molecules,Langmuir,2017,33,3755-3764.Zhongliang Hu, Ehsan Nourafkan,Hui Gao, Dongsheng Wen*,Microemulsions Stabilized by In-Situ SynthesizedNanoparticles for Enhanced Oil Recovery,Fuel,2017, 210, 272-281.

5. Zhongliang Hu, Jin Zhao,Hui Gao, Ehsan Nourafkan, Dongsheng Wen*,Transport and Deposition of CarbonNanoparticles in Saturated Porous Media,Energies,2017, 10, 1151.

6.Ehsan Nourafkan,Hui Gao,Zhongliang Hu,Dongsheng Wen*,Formulation Optimization of Reverse MicroemulsionsUsing Design of Experiments for Nanoparticle Synthesis,Chem.Eng. Res. Des., 2017, 125, 367-384  

7.Hui Gao, Andrei V. Sapelkin,Magdalena M. Titirici,Gleb B. Sukhorukov*,In SituSynthesis of Fluorescent Carbon Dots/Polyelectrolyte Nanocomposite Microcapsules with Reduced Permeability and Ultrasound Sensitivity,ACSNano,2016,10, 9608-9615.

8. Alexander Timin,Hui Gao, Denis Voronin, Dmitry Gorin, Gleb B. Sukhorukov*(Invited review paper),Inorganic/Organic MultilayerCapsule Composition for Improved Functionality and External Triggering,Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 4,1600338.

9.Hui Gao, Olga A. Goriacheva,Nadezda V. Tarakina,Gleb B. Sukhorukov*, Intracellularly Biodegradable Polyelectrolyte/Silica Composite Microcapsules as Carrier forSmall Molecule,ACSAppl. Mater. Interfaces, 2016, 8, 9651-9661.

10.Hui Gao,Dongsheng Wen,Nadezda V. Tarakina,Jierong Liang,Andy J. Bushby,Gleb B. Sukhorukov*,Bifunctional Ultraviolet/Ultrasound Responsive Composite TiO2/Polyelectrolyte Microcapsules,Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 5170-5180.

11.Hui Gao,Dongsheng Wen,Gleb B. Sukhorukov*, Composite Silica Nanoparticle/Polyelectrolyte Microcapsules with Reduced Permeability and Enhanced Ultrasound Sensitivity,J. Mater. Chem. B, 2015, 3,1888-1897.

12.Zhongliang Hu,Hui Gao(Co-first), S. B. Ramisetti,Jin Zhao, Ehsan Nourafkan, Paul Glover, Dongsheng Wen*,Carbon quantum dots with tracer-like breakthrough ability for reservoir characterization,Sci. Total Environment, 2019, 669, 579-589.

13.Maje Alhaji Haruna,Zhongliang Hu, Hui Gao, Jabbar Gardy, Saminu Musa Magami, Dongsheng Wen*,Influence of carbon quantum dots on the viscosity reduction of polyacrylamide solution,Fuel, 2019, 248, 205-214.

14.Hui Gao,Baorang Li*,Wei Shang,Naiqiang Zhang, Glass Synthesis and Particle Size Control of BaTiO3by Designing Different Calcinations Modes,Adv. Powder Technol., 2014, 25, 817-823.

15.Baorang Li*,Hui Gao*,Yongquan Guo,Shixiang Hou, Synthesis and Thermal Properties of Lu2Ti2O7Nano-Wires,CrystEngComm, 2012, 14, 4168-4172.

16.Baorang Li*,Hui Gao,Jun-peng Liu,Zhiwei Yang, Synthesis of Lu2Ti2O7Nano-powders by Salt Modified Sol–Gel Process,Ceram. Int., 2012, 9, 5453-5459.

17.Baorang Li,HuiGao*, Jingjing Liu, Zhiwei Yang,The Influences of Possible Factors onPreparation and Characterization of Lu2Ti2O7Nano-Wires,J. Cryst. Growth, 2012, 351, 169-175.